Volunteer with APSC

Volunteer with APSC

The APSC is a non-profit organization managed and maintained by a dedicated team of volunteers, including our Board of Directors.  Volunteering is a great way to get involved in the community and help a worthwhile cause that is making a difference in young people’s lives.

Summer Skills and Conditioning Clinic

Lend a hand at opening Day

Each year APSC hosts the annual Skills and Conditioning Summer Clinics. The summer clinic is a fundraising event which is run and managed by volunteers within our soccer community.

Without the help of our amazing families and volunteers we would not be able to host this amazing event for our youth athletes while at the same time raise funds.

Volunteering at the clinic is a great way to help the club. There are many opportunities available. From setting up popup tents to putting things away at the end of the day. We need your help. Click the link to see what opportunities are still available.

With beginning of each season, APSC hosts what has become to be know as Opening Day.

Opening Day is a Club wide event in which the community comes together to celebrate the start of the soccer season and to kick it off in the only way it should be, with our community.

It is held at Cresta Park, has music, food, micro soccer games and many other things for the players and their families to enjoy while spending time with other members of the community.

Without you help, this event would not be possible. Please take a look and see what positions still need to be filled.

Join the APSC Board

Join our team of Coaches

The APSC board is comprised of volunteers interested in serving the community. These volunteers run and maintain all of APSC operations.

The board can always use assistance from people who are also interested in serving the community.  

You don’t have to be a soccer expert or a highly trained veteran coach to volunteer on the board. Many of the board positions are about keeping the operations running and the club organized.

Reach out to us today if you are interested in learning more about volunteering on the APSC Board.

With each new season APSC fields approximately 100 teams. These teams are led and coached solely by volunteers within the community.

APSC is committed and dedicated to assisting individuals who are interested and willing to be a role model for these young athletes.

APSC offer’s at no cost to the volunteer, US Soccer trainings.

Begin your journey as a APSC Coach today!