How to Register for Rec Soccer

Registration for the Recreational Fall Season is now open!!

Register Now!

For Players

For Coaches

Online Registration is required for all players and coaches! There are two seperate links to access the different applications. They cannot be accessed through the same link.

Registration Costs:

Priority Registration for the Fall 2022 season is: $135.00 per player (Fee does not include uniform). Priority registration for team requests and prior team placement runs from April 1st thru May 31st.

Late registration fees: Beginning on June 1st all registrations will incur a$25 per player late fee.

Sibling Discount:  In an effort to minimize the impact of registration costs Arden Park Soccer is offering a sibling discount for families of 3 or more players, which will be automatically applied to players from the same household while registering using the same registration account. 

 Payment Plans:  Payment plans will continue to be available for the 2022 Fall Season, and are offered during the registration process.  PLEASE NOTE: ALL REGISTRATION FEES MUST BE PAID, IN FULL, PRIOR TO PLAYERS BEING ADDED TO A ROSTER.

Registration Requirements

Every player MUST have a recent photo uploaded during registration.  All pictures uploaded in previous years will be deleted this season by the league. 

(Please ensure that all photos are face-forward, individual pictures, taken from the shoulders up and that there are no hats or sunglasses worn, in addition to no objects obstructing the face.  These pictures are for the player cards required to be added to a roster and to participate in practices and games.)  

New players must upload a government certified birth certificate (County/Parish of child’s birth), green card, military ID, or passport. 

Please note: Registration is not complete and your child cannot be assigned to a team until all documentation, current picture (all players) and proof of birth date are uploaded (new players) has been uploaded.  We understand the site can be finicky, please contact our registrar if you need assistance at

Coach Registration:  All parent volunteers MUST be registered as Coaches and complete the steps required under the Coach Tab on our website.  Parent volunteers may NOT assist in practices or games unless they are registered as coaches.  If you would like to become a coach or assistant coach please refer to the coach tab on the site or contact for more information.

Refund Policy for the Fall 2022 Soccer Season:  

Refund Request Policy: Refund requests made on or before June 30, 2022 will be reimbursed less current credit card and processing fees that were incurred by the club. All refund requests made on or after July 1, 2022 will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for special circumstances only. 

No refunds s will be given after team rosters have been sent to the League Registrar for approval. Refund requests must include the name of the player(s), the name of the parent or guardian and as much detail as possible regarding the reason a waiver should be granted, including documentation, if any. 

All refunds are subject to deductions for current credit card and processing fees that were incurred by the club following registration. 

For full details of our registration policies, please read: Arden Park Registration Policy. 

Season Age: 

Arden Park Soccer Club offers recreational soccer teams for children of varying abilities beginning at age 4, all players must by 4 on or before December 31, 2022.

Our team age groups are from Under 6 through Under 19. Please see our Age Matrix to the left for all eligible birth years and team age groups.

**Please while all of our age groups are even numbered, the U05 and U07 distinction is made when registering to ensure the younger teams are as age pure as possible.**

Play-Up Policy:

The club may allow at its discretion, a qualified younger player to play on a team no more than one year older, when the parent has checked the box on the registration application requesting a Play-Up Special Request, verifying that they accept the policy, accept all terms, and requested by checking the request box during the online registration process.  

 Please note: Agreement of the Play Up Request during online registration does not guarantee placement in an older age group. While the club will make every effort to accommodate play-up requests, balancing of teams and ensuring all players who register are assigned to a team roster for the season are the first priorities of the club. 

By checking the play-up request box during registration you agree to the following:

 ·         I am formally requesting my child/player to “Play up” to an older age group, then the default age group based on my child/player’s birth year. 

 ·         I understand that if my request is approved, my child will be competing against older, more mature, and possibly larger players. 

 ·         I recognize that, if my request is approved, my child may have reduced playing time because of developmental differences. 

 ·         I accept any risks in this situation and give my child/player permission to play with older players if my request is approved. 

 ·         I understand that this request will be considered based on team space availability, age group of the team, team player’s age, needs of the Club and justification of the request. 

 ·         I understand that this request must be coordinated and approved by all required persons, and that I will be notified of the outcome of this request either approved or denied. If denied, a reason shall be provided. 

 ·         I understand that, if approved, this request shall remain in effect for the remainder of the current season only. It will not be carried to the next season. 

 ·         I understand that this request is not revocable by me after my child/player is place on a team. 

The Club will consider the request if one ore more of the following conditions exist: The club believes the younger player is qualified in (a) skills and (b) physical/emotional development to safely play with and against older players of a particular age group. One or more of the following conditions exist: An older team is in need of players and does not have enough players in the correct age group; The club, coach, and parents believe the younger child will not be harmed; The child’s age-appropriate team will have sufficient players to field a viable team without the player; The player is the child of the team’s head coach.

– For more information regarding registration please email our registrar at 

– Email the board at